How to Password Protect Notes on Your iPad or iPhone

iPhone comes with a handy Notes app that is for jotting down the things that you need to keep in mind. Users can even preserve the device with the help of a passcode. There is no harm in providing an added security layer. The similar password is used for the notes that you have to protect in any of your Mac or iOS device. Users can select which individual notes they have to lock.

Before starting

Before you get started with your iOS device, assure that your gadget is updated. Users may secure the notes in iOS 9.3 or the later ones. If you want to access notes on Mac that are secured, then ensure one thing that you have been operating "OS X 10.11.4" or the following ones. Whenever the users refresh the iOS device from a previous iOS version, then the users will get to update the Notes app whenever they begin it after the update.

They need to enable Notes syncing by going to the iCloud Settings on the iOS device. Assure that the user uses notes that have been locally stored on an iOS device. Notes that sync from a third-party app such as Gmail can't be kept locked. To ensure this thing that the notes are being synced via iCloud:

1.       Go to the Settings application.
2.       Click on the name at the top.
3.       Click iCloud.
4.       Ensure that the Notes slider switch is ON.

Password Protect Your Notes

If you need to lock any note. Go to the folder that is having the note that you need to lock. Now swipe leftwards till you get to three icons. Click the lock icon and write Password. Write an optional but recommended Hint. Click on Done. Next to the door will be an open lock icon. It is unlocked initially. If you require locking all of the notes, then click Lock Now. Users will find this at the screen’s bottom.

How to Unlock a Note?

1.       Go to the note in the list for unlocking a note.
2.       It won't show you notes content but will let you know that the note is locked up.
3.       For unlocking the note and for viewing contents, Click View Note.
4.       On the View Note dialog box, write the password.
5.       Click OK.

How to secure a note from inside the note?

If you want to lock the notes from the inside note:

1.       Click the "open lock" symbol at screen top.
2.       Keep in mind that all of the preserved notes are either unbarred or barred.
3.       Users can unlock some but not the other ones.

How to Remove the Lock from Note?

If you have concluded that the users do not need any particular note guarded, then the users may eliminate the lock from it. For doing this swipe leftwards to protected note and click lock icon.
If the note is locked up currently then write the password and click OK. If the notes are unlocked currently, then lock will get removed from note without any need of a password.  

Joey Williams is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines and blogs.

Source : iPad


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